Thursday, January 22, 2009

What's for Dinner Tonight?

Always the question of the day! I start thinking about what to make for dinner as early as 6:30 when I get up. Sometimes I'm easily inspired about what to make just by going to Trader Joes or reading the weekly ads. Sometimes I get tired of coming up with things to make. Sometimes I don't even feel like doing it. Funny thing is I know more moms who DON'T cook than do! What I always wonder is what do they eat for dinner? Eating out each night is expensive, boring and not always practical. Since our kitchen remodel finished a few years back we have enjoyed eating at home. It's comfortable, not as noisy as some places and you can wear your jammies if you want to!

So, what is for dinner tonight? Thanks to Trader Joes I think it will be RedSnapper (in the frozen food section at TJ's) and a jar of piccata sauce. Very simple and quick to make. Just saute the fish for a few minutes, add a jar of piccata sauce, cover and simmer about 10 minutes. Serve with pasta and a salad maybe some bread and you have a delicious inexpensive dinner!

Lack of Planning on your part....

My old boss used to have a favorite phrase which has now become my favorite phrase...
"Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part!"
....sometimes I want to have a huge sign over my head that says this.

Is there a mom or wife out there who has also felt this way?

My Blog is On...

Well, that was easy! Only took me about 6 minutes, maybe less to set up this blog! Been putting it off because I thought it would take too long. I had tried it last year (with a different blog company) and had technical difficulties. The other problem was coming up with a cute or catchy name that I thought was 'me'. Stuck with the one I came up with last year, due to lack of a better one. It came about because I realized every house is just a house and it takes TLC to make it a home.

A HOME is your safe haven, the place you would rather be than anywhere else. The place you can relax, curl up with a blanket and a book, share a meal with your family or friends and also hide out and regroup before going back out into the world.

I love, not necessarily cleaning but that is part of the territory. I prefer the decorating, creating a warm and inviting haven...Or making little decorating vignettes around the house. But alas, mom duties call and I must head out to Joanne's to get some lettering for Son age 11 and his science fair project.